
Our Father who art in heaven…

The prayer we know as “The Lord’s Prayer” is prayed by millions of people every day. But though we may be able to recite by heart, do we understand what means? 

What was Jesus trying to teach his followers when he taught them these words as a model for perfect prayer?

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Ryan Phipps
Advent Four: Rejects

In one way or another, we all know what it feels like when we don’t fit in.

As a species, we are a people of tribes. We’re all looking for our place and our people. And that couldn’t be truer when it comes to faith and spirituality.

When Jesus enters the world in The Christmas Story, we see that he encounters much of the same. He didn't really "fit" anywhere.

What does that have to teach us about finding our own place in the world today?

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Ryan Phipps
Advent Two: Pagans

We become keenly aware of just how differently we think and believe from others when we celebrate any kind of religious holiday— and Christmas certainly falls into that category.

Should our beliefs about the birth of Jesus cause divisions among people? If they do, it may just be that we are misinterpreting the true meaning of Christmas altogether.

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Ryan Phipps
Advent One: Virgins

At face value, the story about the pregnancy of Mary, The Mother of God sets up the perfect conditions for a shotgun wedding. Her pregnancy was wholly unintended— a complete surprise.

What can we learn from the unplanned surprise of Jesus coming into the world, and what does it say about the nature of God, altogether?

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Ryan Phipps
Conflict Resolution

The Holidays are here.

During this time of the year, many of us spend time with family and friends. With some of them, there are deep tensions and it takes lots of work to remain calm. How can we better handle conflict when it arises, especially with those closest to us?

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Ryan Phipps
Broken Things

Life, for a select few of us is a series of successes, wins, and monumental achievements. But for the rest of us, it can often feel like a series of breaks, disappointments, and losses.

Where is God in our brokenness?

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Ryan Phipps
Ask Anything: Sexuality

In the conclusion of our series, "Ask Anything," we're addressing a question that has divided the church over the years. The question— Is it a sin to be gay? Like it or not, it's a question that, sooner or later, we have to answer for ourselves. After all, how we answer it impacts the well-being of millions of people.

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Ryan Phipps
Ask Anything: Existence

Why do we exist?

What is the purpose of you? Of me? Of us? Why are we here? What should we do? Where are we going? What does all of this mean?

These are some of the oldest questions in the world. Mankind has been asking them ever since we began to think.

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Ryan Phipps
Imposter Syndrome

Do you ever feel like a fraud? Maybe you’ve been the recipient of accolades that feel, are underserved. Maybe you fear disappointing a manager, a supervisor, or a colleague because you feel that you don’t have all the skills that they thought you did. The terror of who we really are being found out has a name— Impostor Syndrome.

How do we live more authentic lives? And more importantly, how do we let our faith shape our opinions of ourselves?

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Guest User
Ask Anything: Transcendence

How do I experience more of God in my life?

That’s a big question. And an important question. It points to something in us that we all long for, even if we’re not aware that we’re longing for it— experience. Not just the knowledge about something, but the experience of something.

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Ryan Phipps
Ask Anything: Tradition

What role do the Historic Christian Creeds play in our lives today?

Many subscribe to the creeds solely on faith. But the same God that made a world in which 2 and 2 always equals four and where water always freezes at a specific temperature also made our brains. Is it wrong for us to use them?

Should we just faithfully accept what a creed says without questioning it?

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Ryan Phipps